American Community Survey

This is a testbed of visualizing the Census Bureau's American Community Survey data. Read about the data  here or see how these visualizations were generated on GitHub if you want to edit these or make your own; there are thousands of variables and millions of peoples' and households' datapoints to choose from! :)

People earn very different amounts of money depending on what sector they work in

How much income per year people reported earning in the 2022 American Community Survey, categorized by their sector of employment.

Code for data transform

Households in different regions pay very different amounts of rent every month

Monthly rent reported by households in the American Community Survey in 2022, categorized by region of the United States.

Code for data transform

This page reënvisions the display of public data for the public good, and is part of an experiment in exploring urban non-private spaces with my partner. The Census Bureau states that "government agencies use these statistics to help with decision-making and to allocate over $675 billion each year back to your community"; that "businesses use ACS estimates to inform important strategic decisionmaking" (source); and, we know of several insurance companies, health systems, and real estate developers who also make use of this data for business purposes.

Ping me on Twitter or email if you have ideas for what other variables in the census to look at or how else to display these millions of datapoints! 80% of visualization is data processing; learn how this data was processed here!↗︎.